It seems like everyone who has a blog or presence of substance in the social media space is writing a book these days. In fact, I’ve actually had several people follow up an introduction to me with, “So what book are you working on?”

I’m not presently working on a book, thank you. When I have a good idea for one, I’ll let you know.

Yes, there are a handful of very good books out there that I would recommend people read if they are interested in learning more about social media, but if you or anyone you know is presently writing a book about social media, I would encourage you to save your energy and stop right now. The authoritative book on social media marketing has finally been published.

New Community Rules: Marketing On The Social Web - Cover ArtThe New Community Rules: Marketing On The Social Web,” by Tamar Weinberg offers it all. From the strategic approach to the on-the-ground tactics and tool review, this book will give you, your bosses, co-workers or clients, a top-to-bottom and side-to-side survey of the social media world. While the book is chock full of buzz words and terms like, “join the conversation,” “participation is marketing,” and “Twitter!” it is also chock-full-o practical goodness.

Weinberg’s first large-scale published piece has in-depth looks at goal setting in the social media environment, implementing strategy, blogging, micro-blogging, social networks, social bookmarking, social news, photography-video-podcasting and pulling it all together into a cohesive take-to-market approach. There are chapter sections on everything from blog carnivals to social media monitoring services to Flickr statistics. Weinberg leaves few stones unturned in showing you, your organization or your clients how social media can transform your communications approach.

The book is written in a very easy to read and understand format, almost a Social Media for Dummies format but polished and not condescending for the not-so-dummy. Other than not including more examples of social media monitoring services (one of my favorite areas of concentration), the only criticism I have of the book is that it covers so much of the social media space so well, I have no reason to even try writing a book. At least not one about social media.

Okay, enough with the gushiness.

Tamar and I are friends. She quotes me in the book and even includes Social Media Explorer in her recommended reading list in the back. It would be tough for me not to love it.

But Tamar also knows I’m going to call it like I see it and give her an honest assessment. And, frankly, she’s freakin’ nailed it.

Accuse me of playing favorites with a friend of mine all you want, but go buy this thing and read it cover-to-cover. You’ll learn a bunch from a master of this field and you’ll probably buy 3-4 copies for a few people you know who don’t quite, “get it.”

It’s that good.

The New Community Rules: Marketing On The Social Web,” is published by O’Reilly and can be had online at Amazon by clicking here or on the advertisement for the book on this page.

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By Jason Falls

Jason Falls is the founder of Social Media Explorer and one of the most notable and outspoken voices in the social media marketing industry. He is a noted marketing keynote speaker, author of two books and unapologetic bourbon aficionado. He can also be found at

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