5 Bold Social Media Predictions for Brands in 2017 [Infographic] - Social Media Explorer
5 Bold Social Media Predictions for Brands in 2017 [Infographic]
5 Bold Social Media Predictions for Brands in 2017 [Infographic]

The time travelers of MGD Advertising took a trip to the future and came back to share what they learned about social media in 2017. Needless to say, a bunch is going to change this year for brands on social. The below infographic does a great job summarizing what we can expect.

Essentially brands are going to narrow down which channels they use, change their content to fit the current generation (Think VR and live video) and use existing employees as advocates to save time and money. It’s all about streamlining the approach to social and adapting to the new and improved media outlets available. Check out the graphic below to get a deeper dive!

5 Social Media Predictions for 2017
by MDG Advertising

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About the Author

Annika Bansal
Annika is a Senior Editor at Social Media Explorer. She travels full time and has lived on the road working remotely for over two years. You can check out her Instagram to follow her on the road.

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